

Niederwerrner Straße 93, 97421, Schweinfurt, Germany
4 Reviews 4

"My first weekend in Germany I found myself partying with 3 close friends from Basic Training... Our Weekend started like this Beer and Jack Daniels at the..."


Phone: +499721806056

Address: Niederwerrner Straße 93, 97421, Schweinfurt, Germany

City: Schweinfurt


Opening hours

Unfortunately, the opening hours are not available at the moment.


Dishes: 6

Amenities: 2

Categories: 4

Reviews: 4


Show Map


5 /5 Rating

My first weekend in Germany I found myself partying with 3 close friends from Basic Training... Our Weekend started like this Beer and Jack Daniels at the Barracks, Drinking at two clubs, Finishing Friday Night at 4am.. Saturday Starts with a chocolate poptart and pretty much drinking and clubing... Sunday picked up with my buddies showing me more drink spots and lots more Booze... So you ask what the hell does this have to do with Mc Donalds right!!!!! ... Well its like this 4:30 in the morning Monday headng back to to our Barracks hungry like a Banshee I need something to eat more so I need some damn food because we have formation in like an hour... If you ever lived in Germany you know there isn't any Taco Bells, Jack in the Box, IHOP's or Denny's... So when you see the Golden Arches lite up like the North Star in the middle of the Gobi Desert I found my food!!!! The order: Large Fries All this for build up for Large Fries... Hell yes because even in Schweinfurt Germany Mc Donald's Fries taste the same no matter were you are I have P.T. so why do I want to eat to much and puke it up running anway... Oh forgot to tell you that if you Dine In you can order beer with any Combo.. How Cool is that... Open 24hrs 2 Levels to order and eat from Service excellent

4 /5 Rating

My first weekend in Germany I found myself partying with 3 close friends from Basic Training... Our Weekend started like this Beer and Jack Daniels at the...