Im Sengscheider Hof

Im Sengscheider Hof

Zum Ensheimer Gelösch 30, 66386 Sankt Ingbert , Saarland, Germany

"The Sengscheider Hof is 103 years younger and more attractive than ever. His 100. Corona's birthday fell victim; Days before the aborted festival, public life was completely closed. Therefore, the round birthday of the traditional house d's remained largely unnoticed. There is a lot to tell about the hotel and its restaurant in the small Sankt Ingberter Weiler almost directly on the A6 motorway. When Alex Toussaint took over the restaurant in Sengscheid in 1991, then Petermann's Waldschänke, it was a classic excursion restaurant with so-called good-bourgeois cuisine. In the fourth generation he was currently in the company, and his training showed a completely different direction. Toussaint had learned in Baiersbronn, then he stood together with Harald Wohlfahrt in the kitchen of the Traube Tonbach when they cook their first two stars. For a while he went two-track; he reads the traditional house in the Ahnenhaus and 100m further he built a new hotel restaurant. Economically, however, this path was not sensible. Thus he rebuilt the old restaurant, as a restaurant only remained the new one, while the old restaurant Superior rooms, which are available for demanding hotel guests, were furnished. Toussaint: There were already guests who complained early in the morning to see a **** here in Sengscheid. But so much nature must be, and most enjoy this rural peace, which is surprisingly little affected by the nearby A6 motorway. We live essentially from the hotel, but the hotel also has the restaurant, says Manager Andres Dänekamp. And here surely the small conflict situation of the Sengscheider Hof begins a luxury problem, but finally it is about the gentlemen Toussaint and Denkamp. With 45 rooms there are up to 40 arrivals per day. These guests often have hundreds of kilometers behind the car. You want to eat something and you want to find room in the restaurant. Then there are many regular guests from St.Ingbert or Saarbrücken. who always like to come to the Sengscheider Hof for dinner; and then there is Axel Toussaint, who leads a uncompromisingly clear course in his kitchen. No convenience, everything is done and fresh. This means enormous effort in the kitchen, and you cannot expand it as you want. We can't send the house guests away, they'd be very angry, says Axel Toussaint. Therefore, as a non-house guest, you need to reserve your table in the restaurant occasionally in a few days in advance and possibly also avoid a weekday other than the desired one. Waiting for the free table and a small flexibility, that is worth it in any case. Toussaint says that the beginning for all his creativity, all his perfection in the kitchen comes from long-term work with Harry Wohlfahrt in the Traube Tonbach. In Sengscheid he has developed it and, quality can only be maintained if you like it when you work with joy, says Toussaint. This joy in the work also radiates on the 20 busy team. We work like a big family. We are proud to see the good climate our company offers. In the Corona period, all employees were employed on the regular conditions; According to Toussaint, however, a loan had to be accepted. But he was important to keep his staff. He proudly reports that no single employee has left the company about Corona. Lockdown break times were used to convert a house that could be bought from the hotel to a guest house with apartments. You can now live directly on the edge of the forest, use your own kitchen or enjoy the hotel restaurant amenities a few steps away. (including Gastro Newsletter of the SZ"


Telefone: +4968949820

Endereço: Zum Ensheimer Gelösch 30, 66386 Sankt Ingbert , Saarland, Germany

Cidade: Sankt Ingbert


Horário de funcionamento

Segunda-feira: 18:00 -22:00

Terça-feira: 18:00 -22:00

Quarta-feira: 18:00 -22:00

Quinta-feira: 18:00 -22:00

Sexta-feira: 18:00 -22:00

Sábado: 18:00 -22:00


Pratos: 0

Categorias: 5

Avaliações: 0


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3 /5 Média de Avaliação

Der Sengscheider Hof ist mit 103 Jahren jünger und angesagter denn je. Sein 100. Geburtstag fiel Corona zum Opfer; Tage vor dem terminierten Fest wurde das öffentliche Leben komplett heruntergefahren. Deshalb blieb der runde Geburtstag ds Traditionhauses auch weitgehend unbemerkt.Dabei gibt es eine Menge zun erzählen über das Hotel und sein Restaurant im kleinen Sankt Ingberter Weiler fast direkt an der Autobahn A6. Als Alex Toussaint im Jahr 1991 das Lokal, damals noch Petermanns Waldschänke , in Sengscheid übernahm, war das ein klassisches Ausflugslokal mit sogenannter gutbürgerlicher Küche., Bloß, Toussaint hatte anderes mit der Küche im Sinn.In der vierten Generation stand er damals dem Betrieb vor, und seine Ausbildung zeigte in eine ganz andere Richtung. Toussaint hatte in Baiersbronn gelernt, er stand damals gemeinsam mit Harald Wohlfahrt in der Küche der Traube Tonbach , als diese ihre ersten zwei Sterne erkochte. Eine Weile fuhr er zweigleisig; er liess das Traditionshaus im angestammten Gebäude zunächst bestehen und 100m weiter baute er ein neues Hotel Restaurant. Wirtschaftlich gesehen machte dieser Weg allerdings keinen Sinn. So baute er das alte Restaurant um, als Restaurant blieb nurmehr das neue, während im alten Restaurant Superior Zimmer, die anspruchsvollen Hotelgästen zur Verfügung stehen, eingerichtet wurden.Toussaint: Es gab schon Gäste, die sich beschwerten, weil man hier in Sengscheid am frühen Morgen einen Hahn krähen hört. Aber so viel Natur muss sein, und die meisten geniessen diesen ländlichen Frieden, der überraschend wenig von der nahen Autobahn A6 beeinträchtigt wird . Wir leben im Wesentlichen vom Hotel , allerdings gehört zum Hotel unbedingt auch das Restaurant , so Manager Andres Dänekamp. Und da beginnt auch schon die dem Sengscheider Hof eigene kleine Konfliktsituation   sicherlich ein Luxusproblem, aber immerhin, es beschäftigt die Herren Toussaint und Dänekamp. Bei 45 Zimmern, da hat man täglich bis zu 40 Anreisen. Diese Gäste haben oft hunderte von Kilometern mit dem Auto hintersich. Die wollen etwas essen und sollen, so Dänekamp, im Restaurant Platz finden. Dann gibt es viele Stammgäste aus St.Ingbert oder Saarbrücken. die ebenfals immer wieder gerne in den Sengscheider Hof zum Essen kommen; auch die Simbas waren schon da : . Und dann ist da Axel Toussaint, der einen kompromisslos klaren Kurs in seiner Küche fährt. Keine Convenience, alles wird selbst und frisch gemacht. Das bedeutet enormen Aufwand in der Küche, und den kann man nicht beliebig ausweiten . Da passiert es dann häufiger, dass Reservierungswünsche nicht funktionieren. Wir können die Hausgäste nicht wegschicken, die wären dann zu Recht sehr verärgert , erzählt Axel Toussaint. Deshalb muss man als Nicht Hausgast seinen Tisch im Restaurant ab und an einige Tage im voraus reservieren und möglicherweise auch auf einen anderen als den gewünschten Wochentag ausweichen. Das Warten auf den freien Tisch und ein wenig Flexibilität, das lohnt sich im jedem Fall. Toussaint erzählt, dass der Anfang für all seine Kreativität, all seine Perfektion in der Küche aus der langjährigen Zusammernarbeit mit Harry Wohlfahrt in der Traube Tonbach stammt. In  Sengscheid hat er sie weiterentwickelt und,  Qualität kann man nur halten, wenn man Lust darauf hat, wenn man mit Freude bei der Arbeit ist , so Toussaint. Diese Freude an der Arbeit strahlt auch auf das insgesdamt rund 20 köpfige Team aus. Wir arbeiten wie in einer großen Familie. Das merken auch unsere Gäste, und sie sprechen uns oft darauf an.Wir sind stolz, wewnn man das gute Klima wahrnimmt, das unser Betrieb bietet . In der Coronazeit wurden alle Mitarbeiter/innen zu den regulären Konditionen weiterbeschäftigt; laut Toussaint musste dafür allerdings ein Kredit aufgenommen werden. Aber es sei ihm wichtig gewesen, sein Personal zu halten. Stolz berichtet er, dass nicht ein einziger Mitarbeiter durch Corona den Betrieb verlassen habe. Die Lockdown Brachzeiten wurden dazu genutzt, um ein Haus, das gegenüber dem Hotel  gekauft werden konnte, in ein Gästehaus mit Appartements umzubauen. Dort kann man nun direkt am Waldrand wohnen, die appartementeigene Küche nutzen oder ein paar Schritte entfernt die Annehmlichkeiten des Hotelrestaurants genießen. (u.a. Gastro Newsletter der SZ

0 /5 Média de Avaliação

The Sengscheider Hof is 103 years younger and more attractive than ever. His 100. Corona's birthday fell victim; Days before the aborted festival, public life was completely closed. Therefore, the round birthday of the traditional house d's remained largely unnoticed. There is a lot to tell about the hotel and its restaurant in the small Sankt Ingberter Weiler almost directly on the A6 motorway. When Alex Toussaint took over the restaurant in Sengscheid in 1991, then Petermann's Waldschänke, it was a classic excursion restaurant with so-called good-bourgeois cuisine. In the fourth generation he was currently in the company, and his training showed a completely different direction. Toussaint had learned in Baiersbronn, then he stood together with Harald Wohlfahrt in the kitchen of the Traube Tonbach when they cook their first two stars. For a while he went two-track; he reads the traditional house in the Ahnenhaus and 100m further he built a new hotel restaurant. Economically, however, this path was not sensible. Thus he rebuilt the old restaurant, as a restaurant only remained the new one, while the old restaurant Superior rooms, which are available for demanding hotel guests, were furnished. Toussaint: There were already guests who complained early in the morning to see a **** here in Sengscheid. But so much nature must be, and most enjoy this rural peace, which is surprisingly little affected by the nearby A6 motorway. We live essentially from the hotel, but the hotel also has the restaurant, says Manager Andres Dänekamp. And here surely the small conflict situation of the Sengscheider Hof begins a luxury problem, but finally it is about the gentlemen Toussaint and Denkamp. With 45 rooms there are up to 40 arrivals per day. These guests often have hundreds of kilometers behind the car. You want to eat something and you want to find room in the restaurant. Then there are many regular guests from St.Ingbert or Saarbrücken. who always like to come to the Sengscheider Hof for dinner; and then there is Axel Toussaint, who leads a uncompromisingly clear course in his kitchen. No convenience, everything is done and fresh. This means enormous effort in the kitchen, and you cannot expand it as you want. We can't send the house guests away, they'd be very angry, says Axel Toussaint. Therefore, as a non-house guest, you need to reserve your table in the restaurant occasionally in a few days in advance and possibly also avoid a weekday other than the desired one. Waiting for the free table and a small flexibility, that is worth it in any case. Toussaint says that the beginning for all his creativity, all his perfection in the kitchen comes from long-term work with Harry Wohlfahrt in the Traube Tonbach. In Sengscheid he has developed it and, quality can only be maintained if you like it when you work with joy, says Toussaint. This joy in the work also radiates on the 20 busy team. We work like a big family. We are proud to see the good climate our company offers. In the Corona period, all employees were employed on the regular conditions; According to Toussaint, however, a loan had to be accepted. But he was important to keep his staff. He proudly reports that no single employee has left the company about Corona. Lockdown break times were used to convert a house that could be bought from the hotel to a guest house with apartments. You can now live directly on the edge of the forest, use your own kitchen or enjoy the hotel restaurant amenities a few steps away. (including Gastro Newsletter of the SZ