Da Enzo Retaurante

Da Enzo Retaurante

Sandweg 2, 21365 Adendorf, Luneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
1989 Avaliações 4.6

"Very nice dining room. Well visited and nice service. The dishes are very rich and all 4 people have fallen. The restaurant is recommended."


Telefone: +4941312840060

Endereço: Sandweg 2, 21365 Adendorf, Luneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany

Cidade: Adendorf

Website: http://www.da-enzo-adendorf.de/

Horário de funcionamento

Segunda-feira: 17:30-22:30

Terça-feira: 17:30-22:30

Quinta-feira: 17:30-22:30

Sexta-feira: 17:30-22:30

Sábado: 17:30-22:30

Domingo: 17:30-22:30


Pratos: 29

Comodidades: 14

Categorias: 5

Avaliações: 1989


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4 /5 Média de Avaliação

Dinner for two on a Friday night. At 19:00, the restaurant was 75% full, so we were glad to have made reservations earlier in the day. (By 7:00 pm, it was full) We split an order of antipasto della casa and really enjoyed it. The sauces cooked into the mushrooms and vegetables was great.One of us ordered the Penne della casa and the other the Filetto al Pepe verde.. The portion of the Penne was very generous, with a tasty sauce. As for the filetto, this grilled steak with a piquant sauce was just right. grilled to perfection and a wonderful sauce. We were satisfied with the courses and desserts were not ordered. Add in a bottle of Aqua and two glasses of wine, and the bill was 61,20 Euro.Service was excellent, with attentive staff looking to our needs unobtrusively.The only downside to the experience.... the comfort of the chairs. Wooden--straight back. Not good at all.

4 /5 Média de Avaliação

To take it forward... My wife and I ate pizza there and were both very happy... Just delicious... Really an original, typical Italian pizza... as it should be... In other words, it already looked at my Alster, who was barely recognizable as such, since it had absolutely no more foam crown... ...and especially frustrating, it was also, unfortunately, to wait almost 45 minutes for the two pizzas... The restaurant was well visited...but there were not 40 guests coming through the door at the same time...because unfortunately not so right apology...very annoying... Due to the larger number of guests, we were also accommodated in a small space, which was O.K., but even more... Cosy looks different... The main guest room already had much more flair... It should be the best Italian on site... so, in case of doubt, just try... Maybe we just caught a bad day...

4.6 /5 Média de Avaliação

On average, guests' opinions on the Internet of Da Enzo Ristorante are 4.55 points. 360 reviews were taken into account for the following evaluation. Among other things, the guest reviews of Google and Tripadvisor were used. With a total rating of 4.55, the restaurant is located on the average reviews of all other restaurants in Adendorf, which is 4.39. On Google, this company is rated on average with 4.6 out of 5 stars. The restaurant is rated on Tripadvisor on average at 4.5. This value is based on a total of 49 reviews on the portal. A large part of it features the kitchen with the best notes. The rating for kitchen is given with 4.5 points of 5. The quality is assessed with a rating of 4 points. The data for this evaluation were collected on the portals of Google and Tripadvisor in January 2021.

4.6 /5 Média de Avaliação

The opinions of guests on the Internet of Da Enzo Ristorante are on average 4.55 points. 360 reviews were taken into account in the following evaluation. Among other things, the guest reviews of Google and Tripadvisor were used. With a total rating of 4.55, the restaurant is located in Adendorf, 4.39 reviews of all other restaurants. On Google, this company is rated on average with 4.6 out of 5 stars. The restaurant is rated on average at Tripadvisor. This value is based on a total of 49 reviews on the portal. A large part of it has the kitchen with the best notes. The rating for kitchen is given with 4.5 points of 5. The quality is rated with a rating of 4 points. The data for this evaluation were collected on the portals of Google and Tripadvisor in January 2021.

4 /5 Média de Avaliação

Very nice dining room. Well visited and nice service. The dishes are very rich and all 4 people have fallen. The restaurant is recommended.